How the Three Types of Giving Can Change Destiny

Brian Bye Sheng Chung
3 min readFeb 3, 2024


The three types of gifts are wealth, dharma,and fearlessness (represented by life release and vegetarian diet). In time (often 3–15 years), these deeds will lead to great wealth, wisdom/knowledge, and good health/long life.

When I first encountered the lectures of Master Chin Kung (1927–2022) he was teaching how the three types of giving changes destiny — principles the famous Master Zhangjia taught him during the 1950s (Page 66, Treasury of Dharma Gems Edition II). The three types are:

The giving of wealth — both inner (labor/time) and outer (cash and posessions) wealth. This type of giving yields great wealth in the future.

The giving of knowledge — such as teaching the Dharma or distributing Buddhist images and sutras (as sutras and images also cost time and money to create, this counts as both a gift of wealth and knowledge). The giving of knowledge yields wisdom and intelligence in the future.

The giving of fearlessness — the taking away of fear and anxiety (this could be comforting the bereaved, releasing captive animals, eating vegetarian food, and using the light of Dharma to help others overcome the fear caused by ignorance). This type of giving gives us long life and good health.

Immediately after learning this, Master Chin Kung (who was a poverty stricken clerk at that time), eked out a dollar and dime a month to print sutras and release life. Later on, Elder Upasaka Li Bing Nan taught him to speak the Dharma. In these ways he practiced the three types of giving, completely changing his destiny, with noticeable results beginning as early as 6 months after he started giving what little he could.

This is in line with the experiences of Ming Dynasty scholars Yuan Liao Fan and Yu Jing Yi (the two most famous examples of changing destiny in history). Yuan Liao Fan’s destiny changed significantly within a year after he started to do good (with his main aspiration of high office being attained in 15 years). Yu Jing Yi experienced massive elevation 3 years after he started doing good. Thus, 1–15 years of cultivation in general is enough to thoroughly change a person’s destiny and cause most dreams to be realized. Therefore, we should encourage children and young adults to acquire the habit of doing good, so that they will get to enjoy good fortune once they reach their prime.

Gifts given to the Proper Dharma and Sangha are the most efficacious

Moreover, Master Chin Kung also taught that there are the three types of merit fields (most deserving recipients that yield the best fruit):

  1. The Triple Jewel/Buddha-Dharma-Sangha (Field of Reverence)
  2. Ones Parents and Benefactors (Field of Gratitude)
  3. The poor and animals (Field of Mercy)
Master Zhangjia

Ultimately , good fortune is but a small benefit in the grand scheme of things. The merit rewards of doing good should be used to aid the pursuit of Pure Land rebirth. By always doing good, and dedicating the resultant merits to Amitabha and Pure Land Rebirth, ever strengthening our Bodhi vows, we will eventually attain the bliss of Buddhahood.

Western Pure Land rebirth


