Master Yin Guang: A Public Appeal for the Global Community to Chant the Holy Name of Guanyin

Brian Bye Sheng Chung
2 min readJust now


Guanyin Bodhisattva, long ago, countless eons ago, had already attained Buddha-hood, with the name ‘Bright and Upright Dharma’. However, out of boundless compassion and inexhaustible vows of mercy, the Bodhisattva continues to manifest across the worlds of the ten directions, appearing in various forms, such as bodhisattvas, humans, celestial beings, ordinary beings, and sages, to grant fearlessness and offer salvation. As stated in the ‘Universal Way Chapter’ of the Lotus Sutra: ‘For those who can be saved by a particular form, Guanyin manifests in that very form and teaches the Dharma.’

Not only does the Bodhisattva manifest as living beings, but also as mountains, rivers, boats, rafts, bridges, roads, medicines, trees, towers, public buildings and mansions. Myriad random and spontaneous responses for the specific needs of the situation. All of these manifestations serve the purpose of exchanging suffering for happiness, and transforming danger into safety.

For those who encounter dangers such as war, fire, floods, severe illness, wild beasts, karmic creditors, enemies, malevolent spirits, poisonous snakes, or various other perils, if they sincerely chant ‘Namo Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva,’ they will receive the Bodhisattva’s blessing and be delivered from danger to safety.

Currently, the world is engulfed in calamities and war, with everyone deprived of peace and all places in precarious condition. I sincerely urge us all, neighbors and fellow peoples across the world united by the bonds of friendship, to chant the holy name of Guanyin together. Let us all adopt the compassionate heart of Guanyin, who uproots suffering and rescues those in danger. Let us all take on Guanyin’s duty of benefiting all beings. By doing so, we will dissolve our sense of us or them, thus bringing an end to rivalry and conflict. We will be able to share in peace and enjoy heavenly harmony together. Even if our fixed karma is hard to change and we do not survive, then through reliance on the Bodhisattva’s power, we shall be reborn in the Western Pure Land. This way, even though we may lose our lives due to past karma, we will, through the power of the Buddha, still escape the sea of suffering.

I sincerely hope that all our neighbors, friends and fellow peoples across the world will heed this heartfelt appeal.

— 26th Year of the Republic (1937)

Translated by Brian Bye Sheng Chung, picture is print of Master Yin Guang by Simon Andreas Varsi.

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