Master Yin Guang: Overcome Fear and Anxiety by Entrusting Yourself to Guanyin

Translation of Master Yin Guang’s Teachings:
News of ongoing wars and instability has paralyzed one of Master Yin Guang’s lay believers with fear and dread. All day long, he is jittery and erratic. One moment rushing to seek professional help, unable to wait for even a minute, the next moment, disregarding the prescription and seeking another doctor, and another after that. Master Yin Guang chuckled at his childish behavior, and told him that his actions would only worsen his anxiety and health. However, he fearfully replied that he simply couldn’t control his afflicted heart and chaotic mind.
The Great Master then said:
“Your erratic medicating will only increase your afflictions. You claim to wish to leave the home life to cultivate, to transcend birth and death, yet your habits, caused by your privileged and sheltered life, if not changed, will only cause you to die of anxiety if you become a monk.” Upon hearing this, the Upasaka felt ashamed. The Master continued: “Cultivators of the way must approach all matters with the wisdom of the Buddha-dharma, and remain unfazed in the face of misfortune. If they should meet danger, they shouldn’t tremble in fear, and once the danger has passed, forget it like a bygone dream. They should not keep it in mind lest stress induced illnesses arise. They must understand that all situations are the result of past karma, and thus can be turned around by sincere recitation of the Buddha’s name.”
However, the Upasaka still felt that the current national situation was simply too frightening to ignore.
The Master replied:
“As you have not done anything wicked and unreasonable, what is there to fear? All who recite Amitabha’s name are blessed and protected by Auspicious Deities, and evil ghosts cannot go near them. Thus, what is there to fear? To be anxious all the time will attract the Demons of Fear. Karmic Creditors from since time immemorial will notice your state of anxiety, and come to exploit this weakness by unsettling you further until the distress collapses your health, thus accomplishing their revenge.”
The Upasaka muttered that as he was a cultivator of Buddha-name recitation, they wouldn’t do such things.
The Master responded:
“As you focus your entire attention on fear and anxiety, your state of mind is walled off from the Buddha’s, but connected with that of Demons. It is not that the Buddha is not efficacious, it is that you have lost your uprightness of mind, which inhibits the efficaciousness of your cultivation.”
The Upasaka was startled by this revelation.
The Master further beseeched:
“I hope you will sincerely self reflect. Fear is of no use against manifesting evil karma. Only by keeping your cool, maintaining uprightness of mind, and acting properly will the evil ghosts be kept at bay. Otherwise, your lack of levelheadedness will invite evil Demons, and Karmic Creditors from lifetimes past will come to exact revenge by paralyzing you with panic and fear, how pitiful. You must relax as all matters can be easily thought over, there really are no grounds for anxiety. Cultivating at home, you ought to mutually support your family members and practice pure karmas together. Otherwise, you can go to the Shanghai Society for the Purification of Karma to practice recitation of Amitabha’s name with them, as well as listen to Dharma lectures. After a few months, you can return home for a few days to catch up, and then return to the Society to continue cultivating. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”
Lastly, the Master stressed:
“ In this dangerous era, you must relax and cultivate pure karmas, not worry about fortune and misfortune, and casually deal with all matters. Even if great adversity is encountered, you must realize that you are not alone as there are always many others dealing with the same type of adversity. Moreover, no matter the situation, you still have Amitabha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to rely upon. Thus, there is nothing to fear. Concern yourself only with reciting the name of Amitabha and Avalokitesvara, and use them as your rock of fearlessness. Let your heart relax, and do not fear things that have not happened. Do so and your condition will improve gradually, and you will be at peace in both body and mind. If you do not, then you will mire yourself in danger even though danger has not actually arrived. In such a state, not even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas could save you.”
— From the Collected Works of Master Yin Guang《印光法師文鈔三編-復同影居士書》
Also Published on VBS (2022 DEC Issue):