Master Yin Guang: The Myriad Manifestations of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

Putuo Peak is the sacred place where Avalokitesvara has displayed miracles — thereby giving sentient beings a place of pilgrimage. This is not to say that Avalokitesvara is based exclusively on Putuo. The Bodhisattva is like the luminous moon high up in the sky, granting its reflection to myriad rivers and lakes across the world. Even a small drop of water could reflect its resplendent form. However, turbid or dirty water cannot. The hearts of sentient beings are like water. If the heart holds the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with focus and concentration, the Bodhisattva will certainly protect and bless the cultivator, either during their recitation, or in a way that is manifest or covert.

However, if the heart is not sincere, not focused, a response would be difficult to get. Why is Avalokitesvara known as the One who Heeds and Hears the Sounds of the World? It is because he achieved enlightenment by inwardly contemplating his own nature of hearing. Thus, he heeds and hears the voices of sentient beings uttering his name, and dispenses relief by following those sounds and voices.
In the well known Universal Way of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the term “Universal Way” means that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is boundless and unimpeded. He manifests before myriad sentient beings in accordance with their inclinations and natures. To teach them and give them a start. Thus, Avalokitesvara is universal and not limited to a single Dharma path. It is just like how countless diseases have countless different cures. As the Bodhisattva is not limited to any single method, he approaches sentient beings in the way they can most accept. Of the six strands, six dusts, six consciousnesses and seven greats (the senses and elements), he can approach through any one of them, and allow perfect enlightenment to be reaped. All dharmas and factors can be used to transcend the Samsara, and thus become a way to Bodhi. This is why it is known as the Universal Way.
— Page 42 of Treasury of Dharma Gems Edition II
Moreover, on page 41 of the above book, Guanyin’s incredible power of manifesting as anything from villages to boats is also mentioned by Master Yin Guang:

Furthermore, whenever the Bodhisattva manifests, he is not limited to forms of the living. He may manifest as the mountains and forests, as bridges and boats, as pavilions, houses, walls, villages or as anything the situation demands. He will manifest whatever it takes to shelter those in danger. The various ways he saves beings are so many it is hard to recount them all.
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