The Eight Discernments of Eminent Men Sutra (Illustrated)

With deep mindfulness and concentration, disciples of the Buddha contemplate the Eight Discernments of Eminent Men through day and night without cease.

The First Discernment is this: All that which is temporal cannot be kept and will be short lived. Nation-states can crumble and collapse. The manifestations of the four elements are empty and full of suffering. The five skandhas are not the self, they arise and cease, thus betraying their falseness and lack of substance. The mind spews evil and the body becomes a forest of offences. Contemplate thus and you will gradually transcend Samsara.

The Second Discernment is this: Extravagance leads to suffering. Birth and death are both wearisome. Such pains are caused by craving and attachment. Those with few desires are neither anxious nor fearful, their hearts and minds are serene and unburdened.

The Third Discernment is this: Insatiability leads to measureless hankering. Thus, an unquenchable heart causes evil habits and offences to accumulate. For this reason, Bodhisattvas are always mindful of the benefits of temperance. They are content with simple self sufficiency and devote their attentions to the Way and the propagation of the Dharma.

The Fourth Discernment is this: Slothfulness leads to decadence and failure. On the other hand, unceasing diligence can deracinate afflictions and neutralize the four classes of demons. Allowing you to transcend the Samsara.

The Fifth Discernment is this: Ignorance drives the cycle of birth and death. Bodhisattvas understand this. Therefore, in order to explain the Dharma to all, they diligently perfect their wisdom and eloquence through single-minded cultivation. Their efforts allow sentient beings to realize the bliss of liberation.

The Sixth Discernment is this: Poverty and deprivation leads to countless grievances and unrest. When Bodhisattvas practice almsgiving, they consider foes to be equal to their dearest kinsmen. They neither harbor grudges nor ostracize criminals.

The Seventh Discernment is this: The five desires are like chronic diseases. Even when living amongst the laity, remain untainted by worldly affairs and temptations. Always think of the three robes, the clay alms bowl and the four requisites. Voluntarily leave the home life, observe the Way, remain pure and cultivate the Vinaya. Be impartial and treat everyone with compassion.

The Eighth Discernment is this: The Samsara is a raging inferno plagued by endless afflictions. Hence, resolve upon the Mahayana aspiration to liberate all beings. Vow to bear the unbearable for the sake of helping sentient beings achieve ultimate bliss.
These Eight Discernments are fully understood by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Thus, they diligently cultivate the Way and compassionately seek to perfect their own wisdom. Having been ferried to the shores of nirvana by the Dharmakaya vessel, they return to convert and liberate sentient beings. Using these Eight Discernments, they open the doors of wisdom and inspire everyone to understand the pains of birth and death. Inspiring them to forfeit the five desires and cultivate the Way.

Those who cultivate the Buddha-dharma should recite and contemplate these Eight Discernments so that all their evil karmas and offences may be eradicated with each thought. Furthermore, Bodhi draws nearer to them and proper wisdom can be swiftly obtained. They will forever leave the Samsara and abide in true bliss.
The Buddha Speaks the Eight Discernments of Eminent Men Sutra.
Note: Also known as the Eight Realizations of Great Beings Sutra