The Taste of Two Worlds

Brian Bye Sheng Chung
11 min readFeb 2, 2024

Excerpt translations of work by Elder Upasaka Li Bing Nan

The wonders of the Pure Land of Amitabha

The Abodes of the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss (Amitabha’s Pure Land)

It’s a pity that our world is so crude. Even the palaces of the Emperors — lauded as halls and towers of gold and precious jade — are but yellow glazed tiles, sparse bronze ornaments and white stones. However, the Land of Ultimate Bliss is completely different. For the abodes there truly have gold ceilings, jade beams, bejeweled balustrades, silver stairs, cameo glass walls, lapis lazuli floors, and gates and windows of pearl and carnelian. Vividly resplendent, dazzling with gold and jade, and adorned with inlaid rubies, their radiant splendor is as glorious as the light of a thousand stars. These vast abodes possess a dense array of towers and pavilions, of varied height, each with myriad doors and windows.Moreover, all within these abodes are likewise composed of the seven treasures. Banners and canopies adorned with pearls and brocades, fluttering in the sky, flying like the clouds.

Anything that is required manifests and disappears in response to only a thought, and needs no labor to obtain or dispose. Surrounded by row after row of perfectly lined trees, with ponds and streams all flowing with waters replete with the eight virtues near the entrance. Beyond the windows are cheerful scenes of peace and serenity, overhanging flora of myriad forms, rustling with pleasing sounds in harmony with the mellifluous songbirds. The lotuses in the pools all exude wondrous and subtle fragrances. Such splendorous views are granted for our enjoyment at all hours, for it is always radiant day and never dark night. Neither cold nor humid, but as pleasant as spring all year around ; spotless without dust or blemish, and all things without decay.

The Tranquility of The Land of Ultimate Bliss (Amitabha’s Pure Land)

The ground of the Land of Ultimate Bliss is a boundless expanse of lapis lazuli. Upon it are roads and paths paved with gold. If one looks down from the gleaming and translucent surface, one will see golden pillars supporting the land. Colorful blossoms rain down like confetti from the skies at regular intervals, lushly carpeting the land. Moreover, there are groves composed of row after row of perfectly uniform jeweled trees, all made from treasures such as gold, silver, lapis lazuli, cameo glass, pearl, rubies and carnelian. Vividly resplendent, with crowns adorned by bejeweled nets and pearls as glorious as a myriad galaxies. When the blissful and gentle breezes blow across the groves, they rustle with wondrous musical sounds and exude myriad fragrances beyond the most prized incense of our world.

Flying amongst the flora are the five colored songbirds that hum tranquil sounds of purity. If one listens, one will be filled with indescribable serenity and ease. The paths are lined with bejeweled balustrades, and gleaming ponds and flowing streams are everywhere, each filled with such august wonder that it matches the beauty of the land.

The Freedom and Ease of the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss (Amitabha’s Pure Land)

All who arise in the Pure Land become replete with spiritual powers. They may soar across the skies if it pleases them. It is so wondrous that even the pavilions and towers can manifest anywhere at will. Suppose you are meditating within one of the halls, and you wish to visit another world system, in response to that thought, the entire building will teleport across the universe to that world system.

The skies of the Land of Ultimate Bliss are unique beyond compare. Vivid five colored clouds roll endlessly across the skies in wondrous display. The landscapes, palaces, pavilions and the myriad glories are likewise indescribable. Even the beauty of the most brilliant cinematography cannot hope to equal one ten thousandths of the splendor of the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Blossoms raining down like confetti, exuding fragrances, and pleasant sounds never ceasing, rhyme and melody wherever you go, journeying about without the suffering of being confined in a plane or car. The view outside is a boundless expanse of lush gardens, like a master oil painting, tens of millions of miles of eye pleasing wonder.

If you tire of your abodes, they will disappear ; if you wish to sit, a settee of seven jeweled lotuses will appear. Such boundless spaciousness exists for your pleasure. All world systems can be reached within a finger-snap, afterwards, returning to the Pure Land with equal ease. Such convenience, such freedom and ease!

The various pains of the Saha World (Financial Crisis, hyperinflation, unfulfilled dreams, hatred and enemies, wars and hellish rebirth

The Suffering of Strife (Saha World)

Humanity, being unaware of their true innate nature, remains enthralled by wrathful, avaricious and ignorant thoughts. And so, society is gripped by constant strife and conflict. The same is true among states and nations. One encroaches, the other invades, for true world peace has eluded us since time immemorial. However, with the advancements in modern technology, conflicts have become ever more fearsome!

Let us remind ourselves of the horrors of war: Refugees frantically fleeing as news of war spreads ; whole populations are trapped in the chaos as transportation breaks down. Moments later, waves of warplanes as ferocious as storm and thunder rain fire from the skies, shattering the land. Then comes the roar of artillery, the unending sound of flying bullets, and the battle cries of swarming infantry. As corpses litter the ruins, as the wounded and maimed lie in pools of blood and moan in pain, they sound eerily like howling ghosts. Suddenly, armored vehicles and tanks rumble forward and steamroll over the dead and wounded alike. Amidst such brutal suffering, what comfort can property and family give you? Even if one manages to avoid the massacres, in such times of strife and instability, there is no guarantee that one could remain immune from the omnipresent rape, captivity and looting occurring all around. How fiery the suffering of this world!

The Suffering of Being Unable to Obtain What We Want or Need (Saha World)

What defines human life? The answer is that it is a continuous cycle of stressful consumption. If we become short of money, we will lack food, clothes, shelter and transportation, thereby losing our ability to maintain ourselves. However, it matters not whether we toil with our minds or labor with our bodies, we are still subject to job losses and lack of opportunity. As unemployment is omnipresent even during times of plenty, what security can we find in our current era of strife and instability? Money, assets and careers have the staying power of bubbles in these perilous times. At any moment, they could become worthless, be taken or lost.

If we look carefully, not only is great wealth unobtainable, even our current standard of living can barely be maintained. Moreover, peace and security in body and mind always eludes us.

Let us have a look at this person: He desires to reside in a large detached house, to ride in a luxury automobile, attend banquets, marry a trophy wife and enjoy the power of possessing a fortune. He seeks left and right to realize this dream, but his efforts are always in vain. Moreover, should he by some rare chance attain all he wishes for, he is unlikely to enjoy it for long. For estates that last a millennium will see their owners replaced hundreds of times, and what blooms today wilts tomorrow.

There is nothing that can be planned or guaranteed long term in this world, and the fruit of a lifetime of toil and effort is often to remain empty handed. Disappointing isn’t it? Well disappointment defines not getting what we want. It is many times more bitter than the bitterest taste.

The Suffering of Feuds and Vendettas (Saha World)

This world is aptly named as the Wicked Realm of Five Turbidities. The Five Turbidities require some time to explain, thus, we will only explore what is meant by Wicked Realm. It refers to the fact that this world is defined by killing, stealing, lust, lying, divisive slander, depraved speech, insults, avarice, wrath and ignorance. All persons in this world are sunk in these vices, and so we are forever swamped by strife and grievances. Two persons seeking revenge finally collide, mutually glaring with rage filled eyes, unable to avoid the inevitable, they either viciously fight in the open or covertly conspire against each other.

They say the way paved by one’s nemesis is narrow with nowhere to hide. Yet, such hatred is ubiquitous in our society, and even within the family unit, there are many abusive parents, rebellious children, feuding siblings and unhappy marriages. The old sayings that “every family has resentments and trigger points” and “even a honest Magistrate cannot untangle family feuds” are indeed true. While you may escape from your external enemies, you cannot avoid wrathful family members. The Ancients say: “If a group of people were not enemies, they would not be drawn towards each other.” Such pains test the limits of our endurance indeed.

The Heavy Suffering of Unceasing Death and Rebirth Within the Samsara (Saha World)

“One missed breath, and the Three Evil Realms might snatch you.” This famous phrase is so cruel, for there are many who hope to rest in peace after a life of sorrow. But now there is the risk of rebirth in the Three Evil Realms, places where the pains of bloodshed, sword and fire are ever present. Such a fate is many times worse than the misfortunes of today ; human rebirth is an oasis in the desert of suffering that is the Three Evil Realms.

The Samsara is divided between top and bottom. The Three Evil Realms are the three lower realms. All that belong to the animal kingdom — be they birds, fish, beasts or insects — suffer the pains of bloodshed. The pains of being forced to labor, or slaughtered and hunted on a daily basis by humans or predators.

As for the Realm of Ghosts, though there are spirits of great and moderate wealth, the vast majority are emaciated hungry ghosts. Even spirits belonging to the greater wealth category must suffer from want, for example, the spirits who subsist on castoffs can only eat religious offerings that have been disposed off. Tumor ghosts, of the moderate wealth category, have a huge pus filled tumor under their necks, and whenever they are hungry, they must squeeze it and swallow the pus for sustenance. Needle throat ghosts, being wholly destitute and emaciated, have throats as wide as the tip of a needle, thus prohibiting them from imbibing even a drop of water.

There are also hungry ghosts who spew plumes of fire from their throats, reducing any food to ash just as it reaches their mouths. Moreover, ghosts suffer from the omnipresent oppression of halberd wielding guards [subordinates of powerful Ghost Kings]. Thus, the suffering of this realm is symbolized by the sword.

The Hells, the realms of fire, are too numerous to mention in full. But a few examples are the hells of crushing stone pestles, cauldrons filled with boiling oil, and the saw. Furthermore, other infernal tortures include flaying, tongue tearing, and gouging. Though some hells are freezing or filled with excrement, most are fiery. For example, there exist fire hounds, fire beasts, fire wolves, red hot houses, flaming beds and pillars, fiery bolts and magma spewing volcanoes. The suffering of the hells last tens of millions of eons, and all persons of all races, even the gods and spirits, are not immune from them.

While it is true that the Celestial Heavens/Three Pleasant Realms exist and can be attained through the accumulation of good deeds, the safety afforded by these realms are temporary and incomplete. The Samsara is a great ocean of cyclical suffering, and rebirth in the heavens is akin to a drowning man briefly popping his head above the water. After the karmic rewards are exhausted, the Three Evil Realms once more reappear. Within the painful Samsara, the time spent in the heavens are always short, and the time spent in suffering always long. This is the bane of cyclical rebirth.

Elder Upasaka Li Bing-Nan (1890–1986) holds an important place in Pure Land Buddhism. Having studied under great masters such as Patriarch Yin Guang and Master Tai Xu, he also served as an official in the Office of the Sacrificial Minister to Confucius (previously the Duke of Yansheng). His contributions to preserving traditional Buddhism after the chaos of WWII are of towering importance, and among his students is the famous Ven. Master Chin Kung.

The Purification of Karma

Having read this far, and now understanding the pains of the Samsara, one naturally will vow for Pure Land rebirth and recite the name of Amitabha. However, that is only the principal practice, and needs to be supported by auxiliary practice. Auxiliary practice refers to the Three Blessed Methods for Purifying Karma:

The Three Purifications of Karma

(1) Filial Piety, Respecting Teachers/Elders, Merciful Kindness, Holding the Ten Virtues.

(2) Taking the Three Refuges, Observing all Precepts, Becoming a Paradigm of Virtue.

(3) Vowing for Bodhi, Faith in Karma, Reciting the Mahayana Sutras, Sharing the Dharma.

The principal practice is like the first forward step, and the auxiliary practice is the second foot stride. Only with both legs moving can one walk towards the goal. While the auxiliary practice may appear complicated to implement at first, being both numerous and broad stroke, it is actually quite easy to approach and understand. For all things have a core element, and by identifying the core element, half the success is already attained, and progress is made even if one cannot perfect the rest.

Of these precepts, “Vowing for Bodhi” is the most important as it embodies the fact that all sentient beings are equal and interdependent. Thus, any thoughts of benefiting oneself at another’s expense ought to be eliminated. To hurt another is to hurt oneself ; to benefit another is to benefit oneself. Understanding this key principle, one ought to refrain from even the smallest act of selfishness or evil. Moreover, any act or deed that benefits society, or even just one person, or one small critter, must be done. And done with sincerity, without concern whether it is large or small, without limit, without constraint by time, place or occasion, and without designs for personal ascendence. Done without fearing hardship, toil, opposition, and sacrifice.

Vow to adorn and transform the world into the Land of Ultimate Bliss, to elevate sentient beings to become replete with myriad virtues, abilities, blessings and wisdom, just like Amitabha.

As lofty as this sounds, it is perfectly attainable by all. As long as one harbors this great resolve and vow, one’s mind and body will not be slothful. By starting from one corner, beginning with just one or two persons, advancing and never retreating, continuing ever onwards, one fulfils the requirements. This is the spirit of Buddhism, this is the heart that must be kept.

As the matter is now clear, and both principal and auxiliary practice have been explained, it is time to implement them in life. For time flies, life is short, and the days decrease constantly. Shelter must be built before the storm ; wells must be dug before the drought. If the opportunity is allowed to slip, then even if one then wants to cultivate and do good, it’ll be too late. Those who are wise will waver no more, and perfect enlightenment is within their grasp. May all readers have a bright and cherishable future!

— Page 5 onwards of Treasury of Dharma Gems Edition II

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Brian Bye Sheng Chung
Brian Bye Sheng Chung

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