Upasaka Huang Nien Tsu on Right Speech

Note: Upasaka Huang Nien Tsu was one of Ven. Master Chin Kung’s benefactors and teachers, and a major figure in Pure Land Buddhism. He studied under both the Great Zen Master Hsu Yun and the Eminent Upasaka Xia Lian Ju.
Translated Excerpts of Commentary on Passages from Chapter 35 of Sutra:
The Fourth Evil regards「The Precept of Abstaining From False Speech」, and this is a large category. Previously, we covered the Three Precepts of the Body,「Killing, Stealing, and Lust」. The Four Precepts of Speech, although often referred to only as False Speech, are actually four separate offenses, and they are:「Divisive Speech, Harsh Speech, False Speech, and Frivolous Speech 」.
「Divisive Speech」Refers to speech that sows discord. Words that create division, undermine mutual trust, and incite prejudice or conflict are all considered「Divisive Speech」.
「Harsh Speech」Refers to abusive and insulting words that afflict other people. Words that provoke anger and undermine dignity are 「Harsh Speech」.
「Frivolous Speech」Are words that accord with people’s passions and desires, as opposed to the joy that comes from the Dharma. It is speech that satisfies the defilements of the heart. Thus, if we were to expand this offense to its broadest meaning,even examples of classic eloquence, such as song and poetry, can be considered「Frivolous Speech」. In a narrower sense,it refers to words, articles, and media that are suggestive, lustful, obscene and or indecent.
「False Speech」Encompasses anything that lacks truth. This offense fundamentally comes from an impure heart that is prepared to deceive, to cover up the truth, and lie. Such evil karma falls under「False Speech」.
……「They cannot escape as they are leashed by their evil karma」Their evil karma drags them down so they cannot break free, they have no choice but to receive retribution.「They must go forward into the infernal realms」Be cast into the hellish realm of red hot bronze walls, iron pillars and cauldrons of boiling oil, the unavoidable results of their evil karma (of speech).
My original post: